HSL railway, NL-BE-FR
The construction of the High Speed Line (HSL) was accompanied by an upgrade of the Amsterdam-Brussels-Paris route. At Molenaar, this mega project gave a boost to the MoSwing product, which really came into its own here.
Many different contractors collaborated on the construction of the railway tracks, the tunnel underneath, and the car, pedestrian, and bicycle bridges over the railway. Molenaar Betonindustrie contributed to all these projects with the MoSwing. This was a smart move and led to a breakthrough for the MoSwing. Various contractors came into contact with this spacer and were impressed with its quality and application. Visibility was very important in this project, and, during construction, the contractors saw the big advantage of our product. We have since used the MoSwing in many other projects and it has been widely used in many tunnels and bridges.
The HSL was a great project in itself, but because it also ‘launched’ the MoSwing, it holds a special place in our books. The route was successfully completed, and NS, Thalys, Eurostar, and SNCB trains have been running on this track since 2009.
Directoraat-Generaal Personenvervoer (DGP) van het ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat
Tunnel construction

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Would you like to work together with Molenaar? It’s possible because we often collaborate with different contractors, braiders, and traders. Please feel free to contact us, we’ll be happy to discuss it with you.